Elevate Your Brand

Take your content to a new level with a partner who delivers real value. Our services are designed to help you: 

  • Maximize ROI 

  • Save Time 

  • Boost Engagement 

  • Increase Leads 

At 3C Content we work with you to take your content from space-filler to needle-mover. Welcome to content that works. 

How We Work

  • Discover

    We start by getting to know your business, your goals, and your unique challenges. We are built to be the partner you need.

  • Create

    Our experts create a tailored content strategy designed to achieve your objectives. From light-touch to all-hands on deck, we’re here to help you.

  • Implement

    We bring your strategy to life with content built for your audience. From blog posts to social media campaigns and everything in-between, we execute your strategy.

  • Engage

    With 3C Content as a partner you are ready to engage your audience like you never have before and enjoy content that actually works.

  • “3C Content understands your needs and how to engage your audience.”

    H. Johns, V.P. Tools and Applications, Digital Marketing

  • “The team at 3C Content doesn’t just build content, they create narratives that impact your brand and your goals.”

    J. Colborn, Marketing Director, Healthcare

  • “3C Content is not a one-size-fits-all strategy, they focus on your brand and know your audience better than they know themselves.”

    N. Hurst, CEO, Education

  • "3C is a go-to for me. Their creativity and execution is off the charts."

    M. Morris, Creative Director, Tech

  • “They get you and they get your audience. 3C Content isn’t just building content, they’re crafting experiences.”

    J. Hardy, Sr. Director Product, Finance

Avg. Cost of Content Director

  • The average cost of a content director is a base salary of $140,000. In areas like San Francisco and New York, it’s over $200,000.

  • Any business owner knows that a hire is more than their base salary. When looking at health care, bonuses, or equity, an organization looks at more than $200,000 annually for a content director. Can you account for that money and how it’s helping your business?

Avg. Cost of Content Agency

  • Agencies often charge companies $50,000 or more for limited calendars or strategies. If you want something comprehensive, like a retainer, you need to be prepared to spend a lot more than that.

  • A content agency may be less expensive than a full-time hire, but these shops are charging over $100,000 for a yearly retainer. Are they delving into your audience as well as your goals? Are they task takers, or are they strategic thinkers? When spending that much of your budget, you need to know what you’re getting and if it’s having an impact.

Avg. Cost of 3C Content

  • At 3C Content, we want to engage your audience while hitting your goals without bankrupting you. For $20,000, we build you a week-by-week plan laying out your content topics, summaries, and post dates for the entire year. In addition, we include social calendars, repurposed content opportunities, and much more.

  • No worries if you don’t have the resources in your organization to execute our comprehensive plan. At 3C, we are ready to take on writing and building your content and other marketing materials. Prices will vary depending on your needs, but our most expensive plan is less than half the price of most retainers, and you’ll get much more than an agency; you’ll get a partner.

Blog Posts


Why make things complicated? With one flat rate you can get a high-quality blog post built to engage audiences with your brand. 

Most Popular

Comprehensive Plans

Schedule a Meeting for Pricing

At 3C Content we are ready to create a comprehensive content marketing plan for you. Choose plans that fit your needs including everything from weekly release schedules to budget breakdowns. 

Ebooks, Whitepapers, Infographics, etc


Let's get your audience engaged with personalized collateral that dives deeper into their pain points and your solutions. 

Content Calendars


Let's get your audience engaged with personalized collateral that dives deeper into their pain points and your solutions. 

Content that Works

Let’s Make a Difference

Let’s deliver an unforgettable experience to your customers and tell your unique story.   


Welcome to 3C Content

Content isn't just words on a page; it's the lifeblood of your brand.

  • With over a decade of experience in content marketing, our team brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. We've worked with businesses of all sizes, from startups to industry giants, and know what works.

  • At 3C Content, we're not just about data and analytics (although we love those, too). We're storytellers, creative thinkers, and problem solvers. We blend the art of content creation with the science of strategy to deliver exceptional results.

  • We don't believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Your business and audience are unique; your content should be, too. We work closely with you to develop a customized plan that aligns with your goals and resonates with your audience.

  • Content for the sake of content won't cut it. We're laser-focused on outcomes. Whether your goal is to maximize ROI, boost engagement, or generate leads, we're committed to delivering tangible results that matter to your bottom line.